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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-01-01  |  12MB  |  6000x4000
Labels: circle | text | data storage device | compact disk
OCR: DC03/99 حــ March 1999 SIGN cs, Inc. Při expres tents in whole or part withers wirkten permission-for multiple resale in the form of stock engravings, penatous ats, printing, digitized images S, Inc. 6000 N . Foract Park Dr. Peoria IL 61614-3592 (309) 688-8800 The art contained herein je original and exclusive with Dynam , Inc. 6000 N . Forest Park Dr. Peoria IL 61614-3592 (309) 688-8800 The art contained herein je original and avclusive with Dynamic etc .- is ' S CLUB